Doncaster - Goldthorpe Miners Welfare
Dearne Cricket Club : S63 9EL
Doncaster - Goldthorpe Miners Welfare : Map credit National Library of Scotland The Goldthorpe Miners Welfare scheme was set up around 1917 and was funded by miners' subscription. The welfare provided recreational facilities for miners and their families and a sports ground with a cricket pitch was laid out at Goldthorpe. Dearne Cricket Club has been using the sports ground since 1928.

The first record of bicycle racing at Goldthorpe was in 1949 on a grass track around the cricket pitch on the sports ground. The meeting was the inaugural event of the South Yorkshire Track League on 10th May 1949. All the first year's League events were held at Goldthorpe.

In 1950, the track league racing season at Goldthorpe was delayed until May 24th, to "allow time for re-conditioning of the track." After 1950, other tracks were pulled into the South Yorkshire Track League and there were eighteen mid-week events, held fortnightly. The track league was very popular in the early 1950's and meetings attracted around 70 riders.

The League made a loss in 1955 and decided not to hold meetings at the tracks with the lowest gate receipts. At this time the League had 24 member clubs.

The Star Green ‘un reported in August 1958 "A succession of wet Wednesday nights in June and early July has given the South Yorkshire Track League another bad season financially and their officials must be wondering whether the considerable work involved in running the League is worthwhile." This proved to be true and the League seems to have finished the following year.

The track at Goldthorpe does not seem to have been used for bicycle races after 1959.

Refs     : [p]
Maps    : National Library of Scotland